The Obverse
(preview version) 2016, Single Channel HD Video, Stereo Sound, Live Narration, Live Drawing and Live Foley Sound, Approx. 35 min
Work in Progress versions presented at Phasmid GbR, Berlin, August 2016 and Kings Artist-Run, Melbourne, September 2016
Spurred by the self-immolation of two asylum seekers in the Australian-run refugee detention centre Nauru and by the personal experience of a relative who committed suicide in the same way, The Obverse is a search for meaning in these tragic acts - a poetic inquiry into the history of political self-immolation that frames it as a spontaneous strategy to disrupt restrictions, and an attempt to find a voice by those who are systematically silenced and ignored.
It proposes that as objects, capital and virtual labor move more freely and quickly with fewer restrictions there is an increase in restrictions on migration in order to maintain or increase global market differences for profit, the result is increasing violence at the border.
The Obverse is free ranging in style, with a narrative that explores global migration, supply chain infrastructure, the economy of charcoal and personal experience. It utilises live elements including drawing and foley sound and attempts to produce meaning through layered live and recorded narration, images and actions.