Context specific artwork variously iterated as video, performance and writing
Untitled (ß) August 2016, Video, 2016. Shown as part of This is not film-making. Artists work for cinema, CLOSE-UP, London, 2017
Christchurch City Art Gallery, 2017, Te Uru Waitakere Contemporary Gallery, Auckland, 2016, City Gallery Wellington, 9 September 2016
Untitled (August 2017), Talk with Microsoft® Powerpoint® Presentation, Writing and Concepts, Ian Potter Museum of Art, 2017
Untitled (March 2018), part of Writing and Concepts published by Art and Australia, 2018
Originally commissioned by Circuit: Artists Film and Video for This is not film-making: Artists work for cinema a project where artists were asked to respond to the writings of New Zealand / Aotearoa artist Julian Dashper. Untitled (ß) August 2016 is a response to a video by Dashper called Untitled (this painting) that Andrew Clifford notes “may be an uncatalogued work or simply an extended artist statement made to camera”. Gray's response extends Dashper’s ambiguity as to whether or not the original is a talk or and leaves it unclear what the artwork that is the topic of Untitled (ß) August 2016 actually is. Instead Gray reveals only the work’s title and advances and discusses a number of theories as to the nature of the work, it’s materiality and position in the art market.
Following on from Untitled (ß) August 2016 is Untitled (August 2017) a talk with Microsoft® Powerpoint® Presentation that continues to question where, what and how the work Gray is speaking of exists. This performance draws the audience into a continued speculation on the nature of an artwork for which we only know the title.
Following on Untitled (August 2017) is Untitled (March 2018) which continues to question where, what and how the work Gray is speaking of exists as a text included in Writing and Concepts published by Art and Australia, 2018.